
Monday, February 24, 2014

Hip-Hip-Hooray It's the 100th Day!

Happy Monday all!  Super sorry about the sporadic posts lately!  I haven't had internet at home in a VERY LONG TIME, and it makes blogging a lot more difficult!  Been trying to make my posts from school, but our filter blocks a lot of things.  Hopefully my landlord will get some internet back soon, and I can get back to daily posting!!

Anywho, today was FINALLY our 100th Day of Kindergarten!!  We have missed A LOT of days this year because of winter weather, and our 100th Day kept getting pushed back.  It should have happened the same week as Valentine's Day, but we had LOTS of snow days this year! Also, in our district kindergarten starts 3 days after grades 1-12 so that we can have parent/teacher entrance conferences.  So the 'big kids' had their 100th Day last week and ours is FINALLY.  Everything we do today centers around the number 100, since counting to 100 is our goal for the end of the year.  We were very lucky this year and had our 5th Grade Buddies come up and help us complete some of the activities, which made it MUCH EASIER than last year when I tried to do it all by myself!  We started our day by reading one of my favorite 100th Day Stories.

Like most of my books, I got mine through Scholastic.  If you click on the picture it will take to you over to Amazon so you can get a copy of your own!  There are so many books about the 100th Day, and I bet you have a lot in your library.  This book is about a first grade girl (I change it to kindergarten when I'm reading it) whose teacher asked them to bring in 100 things from home for their 100th Day.  The little girl is worried because she can't figure out what to bring, and she has a hard time finding her 100 things.  So her family works together to make sure little Jessica has her 100 things to bring to school.  I read this story because I have my kids complete an at-home project where they are asked to make a shirt with 100 things on it.  Inevitably, someone comes without a 100 Day shirt, and this book allows me to talk about how it's okay to forget your shirt and it's no reason to worry about it.  Some of the shirts that were done by my kiddos were super cute today!  I'll share some pics of my faves at the end of this post.

We completed many activities today centered around the number 100.  The completed a writing prompt about what they would like to have 100 of and why.  I think my favorite responses today included '100 marshmallows to build a house so the kittens can stay warm' and '100 limousines so I can crash test them'.  They also made hats, which were ten strips of paper stapled to a sentence strip, and then they added 10 dots to each strip to make 100 dots.  I let them dot with BINGO dotters, but I know that other teachers have used stickers.

They also wrote on the sentence strip 'It's the 100th Day of School!'.  The students worked with their 5th Grade Buddies to make a necklace with 100 Fruit Loops.

The kindergarteners filled up a ten-frame with Fruit Loops and their Buddies helped them string them on the yarn.  We used Cheerios for spacers between each 10, but I think next year I'll make some small tags with the numbers on them that they can use as spacers.

Our Buddies also helped us make a gumball machine with 100 gumballs.  We used Q-Tips to dot the paint, and they needed to have 10 groups of 10 dots, and I provided 10 different colors of paint.  The 5th Graders were a big help with reminding them to group their 'gumballs' by ten.

Their favorite activity of the day is to make our 100 piece snack mix.  I made these mats last year and they have been a big help with this activity.  There are 10 different snacks, and the students need to count out 10 pieces of each snack and put them in a circle.  Once they have filled up all 10 of their circles, they put all of their pieces into a Ziploc baggie and then shake it 100 times before they can eat it.

I would very much love to hear how you celebrate the 100th Day!  I'm always looking for new and fun ideas to try with my kinders!


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