Today's post will be about the activities we did to celebrate New Year's. My totally awesome and amazing team mate Heather is an incredibly 'Pinteresting' person. She finds the coolest ideas on Pinterest! For New Year's, we tried one of the ideas she found. I don't know where she originally saw the craft idea, so if it's your idea please let me know so I can give you credit for your awesomeness!! The idea involved students creating a New Year's Resolution. This is a very big word for our kinders, so in order to help them understand what it means to make a New Year's Resolution we read the book Squirrel's New Year's Resolution by Pat Miller. I got my copy through Scholastic Book Clubs, but you can follow to pic to link up to the book in Amazon if you're interested!
We had the students choose a skin-tone color of paper to make their faces, and we told them if they couldn't find their skin-tone they should choose white paper and color it with the skin tone crayons. They students added a party hat that they colored, and they wrote their resolution on a speech bubble that they added to their picture. Some of their resolutions were ones the characters in the book had (which happens a lot in my room!), but some students had some really cute ideas. I have a few pictures to share of the work done by the three different kindergarten classes.
This is the hallway bulletin board display for my class (you can always tell my stuff 'cause of my Dr. Seuss obsession!!) My class cut out a shape for their head and glued it down to a different sheet of paper.
Here's the hallway display for my Pinteresting team mate Heather. Her class drew their faces on the construction paper.
This is the hallway display for my other awesome team mate Danielle. Her class used LOTS of details in their pictures. They even cut out their hair from different colored construction paper. Isn't it interesting how three different teachers approach the same activity?
This is a close up of one of my little darlings. My phone was shaky when I took this pic, but it says 'My New Year's resolution is to learn to split.' We're working VERY HARD on sounding out our words and writing down the sounds that we hear!
One of Heather's littles. How much do you LOVE those lips?!?! Her's says 'My New Year's Resolution is to eat healthy foods.' Not a bad idea!!
A close-up of one of Danielle's muffins. Love the details with the earrings and make up! Her's reads 'My New Year's Resolution is to help my sister Aree with her homework.' What a great resolution!!
We've been having so much fun in Room 130, and I can't wait to tell you more about the things we've done! Check back tomorrow to grab a freebie!!
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