Happy Sunday everyone!! For some of you, there are no more school days left!! :-) You are super lucky!! For me, I have 5 more days of students and another day of meetings, so my year is officially over next Tuesday. Woo-hoo!!
I know it's not Friday (though for those of you who are done for the year, every day is now your Friday!!) but I went on a family vacation this weekend and didn't have time to post anything on Friday. So, I wanted to share with you something I read about in a fellow bloggers post. Mel, over at Graphics from the Pond, posted about something awesome she and a few others are doing to celebrate the Fridays in summer. She helps with the blog The Teaching Tribune, and they are hosting a 'Free Font FRIDAY' every Friday this summer!! Hop on over to The Teaching Tribune and find out more!! Just click on the button below to go check out the first free Friday font. If you're a blogger and want to blog about this awesome opportunity, grab the Friday button below and link back to The Teaching Tribune blog!
Tomorrow I'll be posting about some things I'll be doing during the last five days of school, and don't forget that Tuesdays are our Book Talk Tuesdays hosted by Deanna Jump!!

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