My Summer Schedule says that today is the day I talk about my Wish-List. Remember my Summer Blogging Schedule?
Wish-List Wednesdays will cover all sorts of Wish Lists, not just the one I have going over at TPT!! For this first Wednesday though, I'm going to talk mainly about my TPT Wish List and at the end of the post will add on a few Wishes for my summer list!
Like many of you, I joined TPT as a buyer a few year ago and the very first thing I did was search around for different resources I could use and many of them ended up on my TPT Wish List (in case you've never 'wish-listed', there is a small button underneath the orangey purchase button. This says 'Add to my Wish List' and is a great way to set aside different resources you would very much like to purchase but can't at the moment. Your wish list can be visited any time, and anything you ever wished for can be purchased whenever you want to. When I became a TPT seller, my wishes changed a bit but I still utilized the Wish List.
Today I checked my TPT Wish List for the first time in a LONG time and decided it was past time to start actually BUYING the resources I had pinned. Today I granted myself 1 wish...and added 3 more!! Just a bit ago I purchased another AMAZING creation from Krista Walden who is the creator of Creative Clips Digital Clipart, which I LOVE!!!! You should really go check out her TPT Store!!
Here is the Wish I bought today. Isn't this clip art just too precious!?!? I have been tossing around an idea for a few months now about how to revamp the way I introduce and encourage sight word mastery, and this is exactly what I was searching for!! Silly me forgot ALL about it being on my Wish List and I was honestly excited to find it on there because it reignited my desire to change how I handle sight words. Now I can start turning my ideas into creations, all thanks to the awesomeness of Krista!! I am so in love with her creations that I simply HAD to join her Summer VIP Membership!!
I am IN LOVE with this idea of hers!! Each week of the 10 weeks of summer, she will send out a new set of EXCLUSIVE clipart along with a newsletter chock full of tips and tricks for how to get the most out of your clipart. She started this on June 1st and membership was only $10, but I just now found out about it on Week 3 and paid $14 (still WAY WORTH IT!!) If this sounds at all interesting to you, you really need to go grab a membership for yourself before the price increases next week!!
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Week 1 has these super cute thank you cards that you can print out and use. Week 3 also has a set of note cards with smaller versions for student desks. So wonderful!!
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She also included this little surprise, where each week she will include a different kidlette graphic. I'm so excited to see which graphics are added each week!! I'm telling you, it's like a little bit of Christmas all summer long!!
I also added a few things to my TPT Wish List that I'm actively saving up for. I REALLY want to be able to use these little gems in my creations...but it will definitely require me to save up my funds!!
Here is one of my newest Wishes. This totally awesome Alphabet Clip Art Mega Bundle from Pink Cat Studio. I am ALWAYS on the look out for new clip art sets to add to my 'beginning sound library', since they are so very useful when creating materials for my kinders. This bundle of 312 graphics is $99 on TPT, and is one of the top Wishes on my List.
Another one of my top Wishes is an alphabet clip art set from Mel at Graphics from the Pond. I love her creations SO MUCH that I am proud to call myself one of her 'Clipart Addicts'!! This set has 533 graphics for the alphabet, and is also listed at $99.
The last of my BIG THREE WISHES is definitely the most expensive wish I have ever listed, but once I can purchase it I know it will be SO WORTH IT!! This wish is from Kimberly Geswein from KG Fonts, and is a lifetime license to use every single one of her fonts in my products.
This license gives the buyer unlimited usage of over 230 fonts in all commercial products, and it is definitely worth the price of $259. I can't wait until I'm able to purchase this!!! I love her fonts so very much, and cannot wait until I get the chance to use them in my TPT creations to make them even more amazing!!
Here's a few things on my Summer Wish List:
I am SO GOING to the Crayola Factory this year!! My parents took my nephew a few summers ago, and I have been DYING to go ever since!!! All my faithful readers know how OBSESSED I am with all things Crayola. I am totally touring the factory this year!!
The Great Wolf Lodge, complete with large indoor water park, is somewhere my family and I would like to spend a few days.
I have a few other Wishes on my Summer List, but I'll share those on a different Wednesday!
Now, for those of you who read through my whole post, here's a reward!! Yesterday I posted about David Shannon's book David Goes to School as part of my Book Talk Tuesday. {click here to read that post} I had a very kind and thoughtful comment left by Mrs. Brown, who commented about something she does with her kinders.
She makes a reading response sheet to go along with the literature books her class reads during the year, and at the end of the year she binds them all into a book for her littles to take home. I LOVE this idea, and I can totally see a use for it in my classroom! My school does a 'Guess That Book' trivia game on the morning news, and my kinders would definitely be able to benefit from a resource they could refer back to in order to find out the mystery book. Thank to Mrs. Brown's comment, I decided to whip up a simple response sheet that could be used with this book. Since I tend to use this book during the first two weeks of school, I'm keeping the sheet SUPER simple for my kinders!!
I used some of Krista Walden's Summer VIP Members Only Newsletter and clip art to make the cover for this resource. Pretty cool, huh? I hope that you are able to use this in your classroom, and I hope that the sweet Mrs. Brown will be able to use it as well!!

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