As a huge THANK-YOU to the fabulous folks who follow my blog, I crated some note cards you could use to welcome your students next year. There are 5 different designs and phrases, and each card comes on a sheet of two that can be cut apart and folded into a card. The cards can then be placed into a small white envelope and addressed to the littles who will be entering your room next year.
Each year, I have sent little notes to each of my students before they start their first day of kindergarten. I try to send them the same day that the entry conference letters go home. Every year during the parent/teacher entry conferences, I have had at least one family say how touched they were when the little note came in the mail. it's such a simple gesture on my part, that takes minimal time and effort, yet it is such a HUGE thrill to my kinders when they get one in the mail!! Click on the picture above for a copy!!
Since becoming a member of Krista Wallden's Summer VIP Club, I have gotten so many wonderful ideas to try out!! She sends out an informative newsletter full of tips and tricks on how to make your creations pop using the awesome clip art that she sends out each week!! This clip art is exclusive to members, she won't have it up in her store for at least another three months. Click the picture below to go check it out on TPT!! I'm really learning a lot of cool ideas, and getting some one of a kind clip art at the same time!! It's awesome!!
Another wonderful thing I'd like to share with you is that I found an AMAZING deal being offered by Jennifer from Simply Kinder. This is part of her BOGO Sale.
For the AMAZINGLY LOW price of $5.00, I got the pre-primer AND the primer sight word set!! I am SO EXCITED for my kinders to practice their sight words this way during the Word Work portion of our Daily 5 time. I'll make sure to blog all about how it's going in my classroom, as soon as I get to use it!! Please click {here} to go to Jennifer's TPT store and snag a copy for yourself. HURRY, her BOGO sale ends tomorrow night!!

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