Summertime means a lot of different things to a lot of people, including me. It is a time when I can turn off my 5:00 am alarm and sleep in til, well, whenever I want. It is a time I get to spend with my family and furbaby, and involves plenty of fun and exciting day trips. It is a time when I can devote the majority of my time and energy to creating new activities to use with my kinders next year! However, it is also a time when I get a bit lax with schedules. Okay, A LOT lax.
This is SO TOTALLY ME during summer vacation. There are days where I am literally stumped as to what day of the week it is!! I know I'm not the only educator out there who can relate to this one!! :-) Reading old blog posts proves this isn't a new problem for me!!
So, in order to remind myself of what day it is and as well as to stay on some sort of schedule (nothing too intense), I have decided to devote each day of the week to a different blogging topic. This will help me out by not only keeping me on track for what day it is this summer, but also having a blogging schedule will encourage me to blog every day and not get lazy with it. I had so many great plans for my little blog last summer when I started it, and some of them I have met. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I need it to become a habit to want to blog every day. Enter 'The Schedule".
I'd like to take each day of the week to blog about something different. Tomorrow will be the first Mix-It-Up Monday, which is the day I will blog about pretty much anything. I may talk about activities I created or am in the process creating, Pinteresting ideas I've found and want to try, different management strategies...literally anything I can think of. Make sure to come back each day of the week to learn more about what I will blog about on each day!
I hope that you enjoy the rest of this gorgeous weekend, and if you are already officially on your summer vacation, I hope that you are able to make the most out of every single day!!

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