I'm lucky enough to be participating in a Linky Party on Tuesdays and Fridays, so I didn't have to think of anything for those days. Today is the first Monday of my Summertime Blogging Schedule, and I've decided that Mondays will be for mixing things up. It's pretty much a hodgepodge of topics, from classroom management to Pinteresting ideas I've found and would like to try.
Today, I'd like to share with you an AWESOMELY AMAZING blog that I follow, Freebielicious. In case you have never heard of them, Freebielicious is a blog that has many contributors and is dedicated solely to getting awesome freebies out to as many educators as possible. This is such a wonderful blog to follow because every resource they post about is FREE!!! Many times, the resources are made specifically to share on this blog. {click the link above or the pic below to go become a follower and sign up for email notifications}
Freebielicious has many, many incredibly talented and created educators as contributors to the blog, with a focus on primary grade levels. There is ALWAYS something new and different to see and snag on this blog, and I LOVE getting the emails that tell me what is being offered up each post. I have gotten some truly wonderful and amazing creations from this blog, and activities that I use in my classroom again and again.
Lately the folks at Freebielicious have been focusing on a book study of The Daily Five, Second Edition. They have turned this into a Linky party, and many, many blogs are offering up some AWESOME Daily 5 freebies!! I just downloaded a ton from Mel D over at Seusstastic Inspirations, and I CANNOT wait to try out her awesome idea for Stamina Necklaces to hand out to the one boy and one girl each day who show excellent stamina during Daily 5 rotations.
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***all credit for these photos and creations goes to Mel D from Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations*** |
Please, please, PLEASE go over to Mel's blog post about how she uses her awesome creations with her Firsties!! She provides oh-so-many freebies for the Daily 5, you REALLY need to go over and read it to believe it!! Seriously, GO READ IT!!! :-)
You can literally spend hours cruising through the different freebies posted onto Freebielicious, and find some truly great little gems from some incredibly creative educators. The most recent post about The Daily 5 Book Study from Jennifer White and First Grade Blue Skies offers up some more great ideas and freebies about The Daily 5. She included a super-cute packet of Brain Break Cards that can be used during the transition times of Daily 5. I plan on using this little gem with my kinders in August when we launch our Daily 5 routines. {click on the picture below to grab a set for yourself!}
The post just before this one was from Tara West over at Little Minds at Work, and is a truly exceptional 'Guided Reading Guru' presentation that she created. She has recorded her voice to go with pictures of how she handles guided reading in her classroom. It is truly a gem that needs to be added to your collection, and it's FREE!!!! Please go check it out by clicking on the picture below!! It is AMAZING!!!
Last one I'm going to mention (but there are TONS more you should go check out on this blog!!) is another creation from Tara West from Little Minds at Work. She has created letter name and beginning sound writing strips that littles can use during the beginning of the year. I am SO EXCITED to have gotten this freebie, because now I have the PERFECT activity for the beginning of the year when we start our Work on Writing during Daily 5!! You should go grab a copy for yourself!!
Last thing I want to share with you today is the state of my classroom. I didn't realize just how much STUFF I have until today!! I have spent the morning cleaning, purging, covering, and putting things away. It got to a point where I was just shoving things into cabinets and drawers with no system whatsoever {yikes for next year!!} I have to finish my cummulative folders and meet with my team for next year's supplies and then I will be officially on summer vacation!! I'll have to post some pics of my packed-up classroom tomorrow!!
p.s. - My posts are going to be later on in the day during the summer, not the typical 8:00 am 'school year time' post!! :-)

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