It's Friday!! Today is Day 5 of my official back to school year. My kiddos come on Tuesday.
I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday link up! This is a link up where we get to share five random things from our week. Ready for my randomness?
My doctor's note said I could come back to work on Monday, so I was finally able to get into my classroom. I hadn't been inside since the accident in January. When it was time to pack rooms up at the end of the year, I was still unable to walk. Luckily my long-term sub was given a whole day to pack up my room for me. I'm so grateful for all her hard work...but I don't know where anything is!!
Here's what my room looked like when I got in on Monday. My storage closet was cleaned during the summer, so everything from my closet came out and onto the tables.
I am SO INCREDIBLY LUCKY to have had the help of an amazing lady, the para educator for a student in grade 2. She was so wonderful and pretty much did all of the hard work in my room! Since I still can't climb or lift, she did all of the hard work! She got all of that stuff back into the closet and moved all of the furniture AND covered the bulletin boards!!! How amazing is that??? She is one incredible lady, and I am so lucky to call her friend!!
On Tuesday we had a county-wide professional development day. Monday night I cleaned out my 'teacher bag', since I'd need it for the PD session. I was a bit surprised at what I found.
In the large outer pocket of my bag I found some glass shards from the windows of my car. I'm glad I looked inside before I just stuck my hand in the pocket!
On Wednesday we had some school-wide meetings and got to meet with our team for some planning. My team and I spent time getting ready for our kindergarten entry conferences. We got all of the various papers copied and sorted, ready to sit down with parents/guardians and explain various county, school, and classroom policies.
Here's the table where I meet with the parents. I have everything sorted and ready to go!
While I talk to my kiddos' parents, they will be working on an activity where they're tearing up bits of construction paper to fill up an outline of their name. I got this idea AND editable name tag templates from the incredibly creative Jackie at Pocket of Preschool!! This comes from her incredible FREEBIE in her TPT store, Editable Name Cards!
Our school has a Social Committee, which is responsible for for planning different teacher get-togethers as well as plenty of other amazing things for the teachers and staff of the school. One of the things they do every year is host a Secret Pal Exchange.
We fill out a simple form and then after everyone has signed up we pull names. That person becomes our Secret Pal for the year, and we use the information sheet to plan out different little surprises and gifts throughout the year. Little things to remind each other how awesome we are and that we're doing a great job. I love this, and can't wait to participate again this year!!
I managed to get a bit more accomplished with my Feedback Freebie Challenge!!
I am so close to getting down to zero!! I was honestly hoping to get done to zero before school started, because I knew things were going to get crazy hectic and I wouldn't have as much time! However, I will get it down to zero in the next few weeks!!
How has your week been? Have you headed back to school yet or are you enjoying summer still? I'd love to hear what you are up to in the comments!
You can check out who else has linked up for Five for Friday, and you can link up too!

A year-long secret pal sounds fantastic! I've had kids for 6 days. Love them, but you know, it's tiring! Hope you have a great weekend!
It's such a pick me up to get little treats and gifts throughout the year!! I can totally relate to how exhausting it is to get back in the swing of things!! I'll be right there with you next week!
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I love the secret pals idea too! I would love to do that with my staff. Love your blog!
Mrs. Byrd's Learning Tree
Secret Pals are so much fun!!! It's such a great feeling to find a little surprise in your mailbox or on your desk when you come in to school in the morning! I love getting a chance to part of the Secret Pal program, it's just so much fun!!
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