It's Friday!! My favorite day of the work week, and just another day in the summer time!! :-) Friday also means it's time for one of my favorite link ups, Five For Friday hosted by Doodle Bugs Teaching!
This is a link up where we can share 5 random things from our week. I must admit, being stuck on the couch unable to walk makes for a boring week, but I'll try to find 5 things to share with you all!!
My niece is helping to extinguish the myth that pit bulls are vicious and dangerous animals!
Kobe is an incredibly strong pit bull that COMPLETELY worships and adores my niece!! Lilly can pull his ears and tail, smack him around, stick her fingers up his nose, take his toys from him....she can literally do whatever she wants to this dog and he has never once even raised his voice to her. He takes all her 'loving abuse' and comes back for more! They are truly best friends, and she could not have a more playful and protective companion! I just love how much Kobe loves her!!
My girl here has been carrying around that dog biscuit for over a month now. I can't believe she hasn't demolished it yet!!! Toys and treats don't last long with her, but this one has definitely become the exception!!
I have been doing a lot of 'TPT Stalking' lately, looking for great freebies and new clipart sets that I simply must add to my collection. Did you know that Edulips offers each of her new sets for 50% OFF the day she releases them??? I have gotten so many incredible sets by stalking her store!!! :-) Each time I log on to TPT I search the Our Teach Authors board for anyone I might now. If I find a friend, I snag a screen shot and pop it on to Instagram so my friend can see! Imagine my complete surprise and delight when I logged on to find this!!
Check me out!!!! Bottom right corner is all mine, and I am SO EXCITED to have FINALLY found myself!!! I may or may not have smiled all day, and if I could jump up and down with a broken ankle I totally would have!!!
Have you noticed how social media is exploding with teachers and teacher bloggers?? So many platforms to get our names and 'brands' out there, and I can't believe how far the social media has come since I started blogging almost three years ago! Periscope is the newest fad, and it's so neat to put a face to so many of the bloggers I have become friends with since starting this journey! With so many different forms of social media out there, it can get hard to keep track of them all! Luckily for us, the incredibly talented @thetwentysoomethingteacher created a really awesome template to help keep us all on track!
Here's all of my info! If you want to fill one of these out for yourself, log onto Instagram and follow @thetwentysomethingteacher. She has a blank template in her Photos section!!! It's a great way to network!!
I have been really hard at work on some activities to help get my school year started off right!! I am so proud of my work that I am raffling it off using Rafflecopter! All you have to do is click on one of the images to head over to that blog post where you can enter to win a copy for yourself!
I wish you the best of luck in the giveaway!!!
For those of you who have been following along with my blog for a while, you know that about a month ago I set a challenge for myself.
I, like many of you, truly enjoy finding awesome freebies on TPT that I can use in my classroom again and again. I am constantly downloading activities and clipart freebies created by some pretty amazing people.
As a TPT creator, I know and understand the amount of time, energy, and hard work that goes into the creation of each and every product, whether it be free or not! I also know that you can have a freebie be downloaded thousands of times, yet only a handful of people took time to rate and leave feedback. I realize how frustrating that can be, and soon found myself guilty of not leaving freebie feedback. I have tried all sorts of things to keep myself on track and held accountable for giving freebie feedback. Nothing was working.
Enter the Freebie Feedback Challenge!!
This is a little challenge that I created for myself. I needed something to help me keep track of the freebies I have left feedback on, as well as something to hold me accountable for actually LEAVING the feedback!!
This graphic really helps me to tick off the freebies as I leave feedback on them. Also, posting it each week definitely helps to hold me accountable for my challenge! As you can see, I have left feedback on over 200 freebies since I started this challenge!! Some of those freebies were downloaded last year, and that makes me sad that it's taken this long to give them feedback! I'm so grateful to have made this challenge, and taking ten-twenty minutes out of my day to let other creators know how awesome their creations are is a great use of my time!!
Well, that's all I have from this week! Swing on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching to see who else has linked up and what is going on in their week! You can link up too!
Hey, don't forget that you can link up for Spotlight Saturday! It's a link up I created to act like a Teacher's Show and Tell, where we can get together and share our favorite products, activities, ideas, resources, tips, tricks, and anything else that makes our classrooms and teaching lessons more awesome!!

I enjoyed reading this! Can't believe the Fridays of summer are coming to an end so soon (at least for me)! Congrats on making it on the Teacher Authors page! How awesome! I love your challenge for yourself- I have been trying extra hard to leave feedback as well since I know how much I appreciate feedback on my products!
ReplyDeleteFervent First Grade Frenzy
I am totally with you on how quickly the summer seems to be going by!! I totally agree about appreciating feedback and wanting to share the love!! I'll have to throw some sort of celebration when I finally leave feedback on all of them!! :-)
DeleteThank you so much for reading my 5 and leaving such great feedback!!
Loved this post and about your week! Kobe is so cute!!! It's amazing how dogs react to kids and can love on them even when the kids are sitting on them and doing all sorts of things. Makes my heart happy to see pups and kids together like that. :) Congrats on making it on the Teacher's Page on TPT!!!! So exciting!!! Your post about the feedback is so true and I'm so guilty of that- I'm glad you blogged about that because I'll definitely make sure to leave feedback for everything I get both free or paid. Have a great weekend!
Yee-Haw in Kindergarten
Thank you so much!! Those two have been together since both were tiny babies!! He loves her to pieces and she is learning on being nicer to him!! :-) I too am super guilty about leaving feedback, especially on freebies!! Had to start holding myself accountable before it got too out of hand!! :-)
DeleteThank you so much for reading my 5 and leaving such sweet feedback, you rock!!