I am linking up with Monica from I Heart Grade 3 for her Weekly Summer Link Up! I have enjoyed participating each week and love reading about so many of my favorite bloggers!
This week's topic is 'Where Was I 5 Years Ago?' Ready to take a trip down memory lane with me??
Year: 2010
Age: 30
Five years ago I had just gotten the news that I was changing grade levels. After 5 years in 4th Grade, I was informed that for the next school year I was moving to kindergarten. To say I was shocked to get this news is an understatement!
I had just finished 5 years with fourth graders. Kids who could tie their shoes and blow their noses and (for the most part) read the directions and complete them independently.
Was I really ready for a room full of kids that had no idea about school? Never followed rules or routines? Couldn't tie their shoes or put on their jackets or blow their noses? Was I ready to go from a room full of desks to a room with just a few tables, where most of my time would be spent on the floor?
At the time I just wasn't sure if I was cut out for kindergarten or not! However, I LOVED my school and everyone in it so I didn't want to change schools just so I could stay in 4th grade. I left school that last day determined to make the most of my change.
After all, I had lots of good qualities for a kindergarten teacher. I love to read and have more books than anything else. I enjoy being creative and getting to do fun activities. I am super organized and firmly believe in rules and routines. So, I spent the summer reading up on what it was to teach kindergarten. I began following all sorts of kindergarten blogs, which eventually led me to start my own. I began creating activities for my new grade level, which led me to open up my own TPT store. I began to create my own decor and theme. By the time summer was over I had completely embraced being a kindergarten teacher, and while I was very nervous I was ready to give it my all!!
I embraced my new classroom, which was slightly larger than my 4th grade room. I began to organize the room into an environment where my kinders would feel safe and free to express themselves.
One of my new team mates made sure our SMART Boards were lowered, since they were installed at the same height as the rest of the school. Needless to say, too high for our littles!
I began furiously labeling everything, from the lockers to putting names on the door.
I set up centers throughout the room and created path ways that limited noisy traffic.
I came to terms with the fact that I now had a bathroom in the classroom because kinders can't be walking around the school halls by themselves.
I embraced my love of dragons and created an entire classroom theme around them. We soon became known as The Kindergarten Dragons, and that name stuck.
Five years ago I went through an incredibly large change, and I'm not the biggest fan of change. Five years ago I had no idea I would have completely immersed myself into the world of all things kindergarten. Five years ago I had no idea how creative I would get to be every day. Five years ago I had no idea the amount of unconditional love I was to receive each year from my students. Five years ago I said goodbye to a huge chapter of my life, and embraced a new one.
Five years ago I became the teacher I was meant to be. Each year I fall more and more in love with all things kindergarten. Each year I learn something new and wonderful. Each year I get to express my creativity and ideas to the most appreciative audience I've ever had. Each year I am oh so very glad that five years ago I made the change to kindergarten. I can not longer imagine myself anywhere else, and hope that I will be able to finish out my teaching career as a kindergarten teacher!
Where were you five years ago? Come over to I Heart Grade 3 and link up to tell us all about it!
You can still link up with my for Spotlight Saturday! It's a Teacher's Show and Tell, where you get to showcase your favorite products, resources, activities, and ideas! This week I Spotlighted Karry from Yay for PreK! Link up and share your Spotlight!!

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