I am continuing to link up with the week long linky party on Freebielicious! Today's Tell Us About You Tuesday is hosted by Kreative in Kinder and First Grade Blue Skies!
Today means I get to share with you some fun facts about me!! Get ready for some random trivia!!
This sweet pit bull baby of mine turns four years old today!! I remember when she was a rolly polly puppy, where does the time go?? She is hands-down my best friend and loves me unconditionally! She came into my life at a time when I really needed her to brighten my days, and she has kept me smiling and laughing since the day I brought her home!! I did not rescue her, she rescued me!!
I am addicted to French fries. Especially with cheese and bacon. Like, legit obsessed with the ooey-gooey goodness. I could eat a serving every day...if only they were healthier!!
I am heading into my eleventh year as an educator. This will be my fifth year in kindergarten. I could not be more happier as a kindergarten teacher and I hope to stay in kindergarten forever!!
My favorite color is silver because I love the shiny sparkle. It drives my kinders crazy though because silver isn't in their crayon boxes, so I had to choose a second favorite they could find easily!! My second favorite color would have to be green!!
I don't have any kids of my own (with two legs) but I have an incredibly wonderful 10 year old nephew and 1 year old niece. I love spending time with them and they both make my heart happy!
I have two tattoos and have already planned out my third.
My first name is completely spelled out inside of my middle name. Pretty neat, huh?
I have been at the same school for all of my eleven years. It is such an incredibly amazing workplace where everyone is so kind and supportive! I truly feel like the amazing folks I work with are my second family, and not just the wonderfully amazing ladies on my grade level team!
I love living somewhere that has all four seasons, even though I really don't like shoveling snow.
I feel energized, relaxed, and recharged whenever I am near the water. Be it the ocean, a lake, or even a swimming pool. I could stay in the water all day!!
I am not the best speller in the world. I have been known to change an entire sentence just to avoid using a word whose spelling I'm unsure of. Like, a lot.
I could go on and on, but I think I've shared enough randomness about me! I hope you are able to head back over to Freebielicious to see who else linked up! Time to learn more about some of your favorite bloggers!
You can still link up for Spotlight Saturday too! It's a Teacher's Show and Tell where we get to share our favorite products, activities, resources, ideas, tips, tricks, and anything else we're proud of about our classroom lives!

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