Tuesday means it's time for one of my favorite weekly link ups! Hosted by Teach.Talk.Inspire and My Day in K, today is all about Tell All Tuesday!
This week's topic has been the hardest one by far for me! This week we were asked to complete the sentence "If my life was a reality show it would be called....' I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I'm really not a big reality TV watcher. GASP, what did she say??!! I know, I know, it seems crazy to say that when reality shows are on every single channel all day long. I just never really got into it. The kind of TV that fascinates me is Discovery Channel, Investigation Discovery, and every Snapped and MSNBC Lockup marathon I can catch. Not exactly the kind of TV one would want their life modeled after!!! :-)
So it took me a long time to decide, and I think what I chose fits my life perfectly at the moment.
For all of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you know that I was in a car accident in the very last week of January. I was headed home on our local highway, cruising along doing the speed limit at 55 mph when I was hit head-on by a pickup truck. Here's what happened to my car.
Notice that parts of the car which should be under the hood are now on the windshield??
Every single air bag in my car deployed. The steering wheel, the driver's side curtain, the knee level air bag. I do believe all of those air bags not only saved my life, but saved my legs too.
I had to be cut out of my car with the Jaws of Life. I can remember the sound of the saw turning on and the screech and groan of the metal in my door as it was cut off of my car.
Every window shattered, and I remember the glass cascading over my like rain. No lie, I was pulling shards of glass out of my hair for a good week after the accident!
So why am I showing you all this? Well, I survived this accident with only a few injuries. One of them was pretty major though. I not only dislocated my ankle but the talus bone in my foot broke. According to my doctor, the talus bone is the hardest one in your foot to break and it is also the hardest one to get to heal.
Your foot's not supposed to bend at that angle, right?? Well, this injury literally knocked me off of my feet. i was told I may have to have surgery in order to walk normally again. I spent a few nights in the hospital in the city, and was finally able to go home after I showed that I could hop around on one leg using a walker.
From that day on, for the next 6 months, I was unable to walk. The only time I left the house was for doctor's appointments. I had to live on the recliner downstairs because I couldn't manage the stairs, no way.
Weeks and months went by with me on the couch, not able to do a single thing for myself. Went to see a doctor who gave me the wrong advice and did more harm than good to my recovery, setting me back months. Sad, sad times.
What a boring reality show that is!! So my life as a reality show starts now, mid-July, with me FINALLY being able to stand up on two feet. Everyone at school calls me 'Murph', and I am about to make the comeback of a lifetime, so I thought 'Murph's Comeback' would be the best title for my reality show. Now that I can finally handle putting weight on my foot, I am slowly practicing how to walk again.
I wear this giant brace for stability, because the slightest bend or twist could put me right back where I started from. I also use a walker since I am unable to stand or walk without some sort of assistance, be it walker or crutches.
Every day I am taking another step towards where I was before the accident! I first have to get to the point where I don't need a walker, then I get to move to a smaller brace, and eventually will be able to walk without any kind of assistance.
I am setting goals for my walking practice every day, getting my ankle stronger. I have every intention of buying myself a FitBit to help me get back in shape. I have so very much work to do still, but I am lucky enough to be able to get better. Never ever again will I take something as simple as walking for granted!
Murph's Comeback is all about me getting back to myself, getting my body physically able to walk like a 'normal' person, and getting back into shape. I would love if you would stick with me through my Comeback Journey, and I promise to keep you updated with my progress!! I still have several laser treatments to go, not to mention months of physical therapy, but I am ever so slowly making progress towards being able to walk all on my own!!
Thank you so much to everyone who has followed my journey since the accident! Your incredible words of kindness, support, and encouragement have really helped me through some dark days. And link ups like this have helped me to stay sane and keep on some sort of schedule, whereas without them I might just spend the days sleeping the hours away.
Thank you all for reading about Murph's Comeback, and I hope you will come back for future installments!!!
I imagine there are some much more exciting and well-thought out My Reality Show posts on the link up, so make sure to swing back over and read the rest! You can link up too!!
Don't forget that you can still link up for Spotlight Saturday, the Teacher's Show and Tell weekly linky party! Come over and Spotlight your favorite products, resources, activities, and ideas! This week I Spotlighted one of the fabulous hosts of this linky, Diana from My Day in K!

Hi Erin! WOW!!! I am in shock after reading your post and looking at those pictures. Just wow! I am so happy you made it out of the accident. How scary!! You are an incredibly brave person and I commend you on your journey as you work towards walking again. I think your reality show name is brilliant! Keep doing what you are doing and before you know it you will be walking! I am here on the sidelines cheering you on. Keep up the great work and if you are ever bored feel free to email me and we can chat! :)
DeleteThank you so very much for your incredibly kind words!! It is the sweet and kind encouragement from friends like you that help the most!! I'm going to keep running this race, slow and steady as the tortoise, until I'm back where I was!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your offer of a chat, and I may take you up on it!! No worries about me though, I'm well on the road to recovery and I will walk again. There are oh so many other people out there who can't say the same, and I have never respected that more than I do now!
Thanks so much for reading my post and leaving such incredibly sweet feedback!! It really means a lot!!
After seeing these pictures I am even more impressed by your positivity in everything you post. It's definitely a comeback tale, and you have a host of fans cheering you on! I know it's a long journey and you celebrate every little success on your way to being on your own two feet. I think you came up with the perfect show name for your story!
ReplyDeleteThank you so very much!! It's a long journey but I'm going to make it through till the end!! It's really great to know I have so many awesome people sending such positive thoughts and vibes!! Thank you so much for reading my 'Show' and leaving such wonderfully sweet feedback!
DeleteWow, someone was watching out for you. You definitely have more to do in this world, and we'll be cheering you on the whole way!
You are so right, someone was watching over me. Thank you so much, your words totally made me smile (and maybe tear up a little!) :-) Thank you so much for your support and encouragement, it means so much to me!!
DeleteI really appreciate you reading about my 'Show' and leaving such awesome feedback, thank you!
So glad you made it out of the car!! What an incredibly journey you are on! I know you will do great things in your future:) Thanks for sharing your Comeback with us..in no time you will be walking without that brace!
Thank you so much Jill! It's definitely thanks to friends like you that I have done as well as I have!! I'm so very glad to have met you through this journey!! I'm gonna be back to myself in time for #teamtptvegas2016!! :-)
DeleteYou're the best!!
Looking at the car pictures, I am amazed you made it with just some minor injuries, and a broken foot! You are an incredibly lucky girl, or someone was watching over you! I am so glad you are okay...I know your suffering with your foot must be no joke, but I'm glad you can look back and see how fortunate you are. I really hope your leg heals as new!
ReplyDeleteTweets From Kindergarten
Thank you so much, I was definitely lucky and had someone watching over me too!! I'm excited to be making progress, even the smallest amount of progress is so awesome! Thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate your encouragement!!
DeleteHave a wonderful week!!
Oh WOW!!! Looking at those pictures and reading your story, you are a miracle. Your journey through this process is just WOW!!!!! Comeback kid is definitely you! I hope and pray that healing comes even faster for you. You are amazing!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, but I'm just one lucky girl who had someone watching over her! I'm making progress with this journey and that is the most important part! I really appreciate your sweet words, you are so kind!!
DeleteHave a wonderful week!!!
I'm soooooooooo glad that you are doing better! Those pictures are scary and I'm so thankful that your injuries are minor compared to what could really had happened. No matter what life throws at you, you have to stay strong. I know it's hard, but having faith and believing in yourself makes a world of difference. I'm so happy that we have crossed paths and I can't wait to see all of continued success!
ReplyDeleteYou go girl! You can do it!
I love your Saturday Spotlight! Super cute! Thanks for sharing!
All the best,
I am so glad for getting to meet and make friends with such incredibly awesome people like yourself!! I LOVE your energy and your positive attitude!! :-)
DeleteThank you so much for your support!! I am very lucky and super excited to be making progress!! I'm very grateful for all your kindness and encouragement, thank you so much!!
You are more than welcome to link up with Spotlight Saturday any time you want!! I would love to know your favorite classroom tips, tricks, and activities!!
Have a wonderful week!
First off, such an amazing story! So glad that you are doing well and are so positive!!! You have had quite the journey but your upbeat and thankfulness shines from you. Thank you for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so sweet!! I am so glad to have gotten to 'meet' you through this journey, and your kind words mean so much!! I'm going to get better every day, and hope to see you in Vegas next summer!! :-)
DeleteHave a wonderful week!!
Erin!!! Wow!!! After reading this post and seeing those pictures-I'm literally so inspired by you and your positive outlook and upbeat attitude! I'm so glad to hear that you are okay and that your injuries are minor compared to what they could have been. I'm literally cheering you on all the way from Texas! Sending lots of love and healing prayers to you! So glad I found your blog and have been able to read your story!!
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing!!!
Yee-Haw in Kindergarten
Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! You are so super sweet!! :-) I am taking my recovery one slow step at a time, but I am recovering and that's the most important part!
DeleteThank you so much for your incredibly kind words! It really means a lot that you would read my story and leave such wonderful feedback!! I'm so lucky to have been able to meet so many wonderful people like yourself through this journey!!
Wow- So glad you made it through that with such minor injuries compared to what could have been! I think the title of your show is brilliant! You have great goals in mind and with your positive attitude you'll reach those goals in no time! Can't wait to see your future installments of your recovery! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, you are so sweet to read about my 'show' and leave such great feedback!! I'm taking it slow and steady but I will eventually win this race!!
DeleteThank you so much for your support, it really means a lot!!