My wonderful friend Jill told me about this awesome link up that is happening this week over at Freebielicious! Each day there will be a different topic, how much fun is that??
This link up sounds like it's going to be such a fun way to get to learn more about each other while sharing more about us!
I know it's still Monday on the West Coast, but where I live I am late for today's Must Have Monday. I'll keep it short!!
Must Have Monday is all about those items and resources that we just can't seem to do without in the classroom. Regardless of what grade level we're in or what subject we teach, there are those items that are Must Haves for us. I also think that everyone is a little different in their Must Haves, and it's so neat to see what other teacher friends consider their Must Haves!!
A good, sturdy cup with a lid. The kind of cup you use every single day and very soon becomes dubbed 'The Teacher's Cup'. Everyone has their own version, be it for coffee or soda or whatever else. This is the cup that you will carry with you throughout the day, first filling it up at home for the morning commute and then again once you get to school. It goes with you to lunch, planning sessions,'s pretty much become a part of you. My go-to cup is one of those nice plastic ones with the plastic lid and straw. I like the one with the swirly straw, not just because it's cool and I teach kindergarten!! :-) What I keep in my cup all day long is ice water, the more ice the better. The ice will melt throughout the day and keep the water level up until I can fill it again. I like a lot of ice in my cup, and the swirly straw design means my ice will encase the straw. This is great because not only do I not have to fight the straw to get a drink, but it's always nice and cold when I do!
A three-hole punch. I love my Swingline Desktop 3-Hole Punch. It has a handle that only requires a small amount of pressure to punch up to 7 holes in 20 sheets of paper at a time. I love this one because I'm not fighting it to get it to close all the way, just press the handle and done! I find myself carrying this to and from school, and I use it a lot! My team uses handwriting pages and 3-brad folders to create Writing Journals, and this really comes in handy during the year as we add to their journals!!
Get yourself a 'Teacher Bag'. This will be what you use to tote various books, papers, crayons, markers, staplers, scissors, the list goes on and on!! The things we teachers tote back and forth from home to school ranges from the 'norm' to the 'how in the world did that get in there??!!'. This is another Must Have that everyone is different about. Some teachers prefer rolling carts or crates, I have read good things about them but never used one. I tend to use different Thirty-one bags, changing up every year or so. In the picture above, the bag the red arrow is pointing to was my favorite for a few years. I love how roomy it is, and there are pockets inside and mesh pockets outside, so plenty of room for all my bits and bobs (paper clips and highlighters). The bag the orange arrow is pointing to is the Large Utility Tote, and that one is amazing for carrying those larger items like buckets of manipulatives and stacks of books. My FAVORITE is the pouch that the green arrow is pointing to. This picture doesn't do justice to how large and roomy this pouch his!! It is perfect for all my pens, pencils, Post-Its, highlighters, Flair pens, Sharpies, glue sticks, scissors, notebooks, erasers, and whatever else I may need throughout the day (at home and at school). I love how much I can fit into this pouch and I love how roomy it is!!
Make sure to find a bag you love, that fits your style and suits your needs. Make sure that it is comfortable to wear and doesn't throw out your back!! Be sure not to over-stuff your bag, no matter how tempting, 'cause you don't want to hurt yourself!!
You need to swing back over to Freebielicious and check out this really awesome link up! So many amazing Must Haves to read about!!
Don't forget that you can still link up for Spotlight Saturday! It is a Teacher's Show and Tell for favorite products, resources, activities, tips, tricks, ideas, and anything else about your classroom life that you want to share!! Great way to send love to members of your #tribe!!

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